Silly Guys Daily!

Todays Silly Guy: Cookiecutter Shark!

Native to pretty much everywhere around the equator in warm waters, . These sharks migrate daily, going to the surface at dusk, and back down at dawn. They are called "cookiecutter" sharks because of the holes they leave in prey, which is just about anything that can't attack them back. They'll even try to take a bite out of man-made things like submarines and stuff. It also eats smaller prey whole. Another strange thing they do is that when they shed their bottom row of teeth, which are all connected together, they'll actually eat it. Most people think this is to recycle the nutrients in said teeth. Wikipedia also says they travel in schools, i'm not sure if i really believe it but i'll throw it in just incase i'm wrong.

If you wanna learn more about them then go to wikipedia or various other informational websites